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Data Layout Settings

Which data is viewed shown across various pages within the system can be of crucial importance.  Even when not critical, determining which data is shown, and where, can add significant convenience and value to the system and its image collection.

All DBGallery data fields can be arranged using these data layout settings, including custom fields.

Following are a couple examples of changes to data being displayed:

1) Data layout differences under thumbnails in the main Gallery View:

Configuring data under thumbs

2) Different data shown to those opening shared images:

Configuring data in the shared view

Getting there

Access data layout settings from the Tools menu:

Data layout setting menu

Which pages can have data layouts configured

Data layout settings can be customized for all those listed in the Data Layout Setting left sidebar:

Configuring data in the shared view Gallery View: The thumbs view on the main search page, where data shown above or below thumbs can be changed.
Shared View: What those clicking a shared URL sees.
Preview Info: The Info panel when previewing an image.
Full Data View: The Full Data panel when previewing an image.
Dashboard: The collection overview and launchpad.

FAQ: What is the difference between the Your account layout settings and Global layout setting?
A: The lower part of the menu to the left, "Global layout settings", is available only to administrators and sets the default layout for all users. 

That default layout can be overridden by each user by changing those under "Your account layout settings".  Note that it is not possible to restrict users from changing their Gallery View data layout or their Dashboard layout, nor can they be reset to the default (i.e. users always have control over what they see there).  The other views, Shared, Preview and Full Data, cannot be controlled by individual users.

Configuring the Data Layouts

To configure data layout settings:

  • Add Data Fields: Drag image data fields from the list on the left to the image card on the right.
  • Remove Data Fields: Drag data fields from the image card back to the list to remove them.
  • Saving changes is not required. They are automatically saved as changes are made.
  • A page refresh is required on any pages already open prior to data layout setting changes, on the device making the changes and any other users’ devices which may have those pages open.

Sample: adding a field to the data shown under thumbs in the Gallery View:

Gallery view: Drag and drop data layout

The Gallery View page area example:

Gallery view: which area is affected

The Gallery View is different from the other areas in that data above or under the thumbnails is configured seperately. The above screenshot shows both the Data Under Thumbs and Data Over Thumbs. Switch between them using the button under the sample image, then drag data fields from the left.

Data layout settings: setting above and below data

Configuring Shared View

Sample: adding a field to the data shown under thumbs in the Shared View:

Shared View: Drag and drop data layout

A Shared View page area example:

Shared View: which area is affected

Configuring Preview Info

Sample: adding a field to the data shown under thumbs in the Preview View:

Preview View: Drag and drop data layout

A Preview Info page area example:

Preview View: which area is affected

Configuring Full data view

Sample: adding a field to the data shown under thumbs in the Full Data panel:

Full Data View: Drag and drop data layout

A Full Data View page area example:

Full Data View: which area is affected

Configuring The Dashboard

Configuring the Dashboard quite different from the other ‘Data layout’ settings.  Here the widgets on the dashboard is configured, not data fields. 

Sample: adding widgets to the dashboard:

Setting dashboard widgets

From the Dashboard itself, whether it is shown upon login can be toggled, and the background image may be changed.  These two settings are set by and specific for each user.  The default is to not show the dashboard upon login.

Dashboard settings

NOTE: Click “How to use and where it will take effect” on any of the configuration pages for a reminder of how to drag and drop the fields and where they’ll take effect.

Data Layout Setting help on each page

Restricting which data can be entered by users

While not obvious, administrators can determine which data can be entered by users, such as volunteer who only enter data for images.  This is done by:

  1. Turning off Full Data View access in their role.
  2. Using Data Layout Settings to determine which data is shown on the data.

In the screenshot below, a volunteer user can edit only keywords, description and 2 custom fields. They are unable to see the Full Data panel.

Data Layout Setting help on each page

Sharing Note

If the data layout setting is changed after sharing images, the new layout is what the user will see (not the data layout when the images were shared).


There are times when data layouts are changed by an administrator but those changes do not show for other users as intended (after a simple page refresh or that user logs in after the change). When that occurs try the following:

  1. Be sure to choose Global Layout Settings in the left menu. They set the default for all users. If those under “Your account layout settings” were chosen (the section above), they would set data layouts for only you.

    Data Layout Global Settings

  2. Refresh the other user’s browser because sometimes it won’t automatically pick up changes. If that doesn’t work, use in Incognito window in Chrome (InPrivate in Edge,, Private Browsing in Safari) and login as that user again. This will ensure the cache isn’t being used. If the new settings are shown in Incongito mode but not the normal mode then it is a cache refresh problem, where clearing the users browser cache should resolve it.

  3. Users can set their own data layout setttings so it might be those you’re seeing. To set a users’ data layout to the global default, press Reset to Default on their layout settings page. This would immediately set their layouts to those which were set under Global Layout Settings.

    Data Layout Settings - Reset to Default

  4. If none of these work, please contact DBGallery support using our Contact Form.

© DBGallery, 2025